Paul S. Roettges, MD

  • NPI Number: 1609214246
  • Primary Specialties: Orthopaedics (Board Certified), Orthopedics (Board Certified)
  • *Privileges to practice. Not a hospital employee
  • Gender: Male

About this Provider

Dr. Roettges is a First Coast native and a graduate of the University of Southern California. He received his medical degree from Loyola University. He went on to study Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Arizona and completed his fellowship in adult hip and knee reconstruction at the renowned Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Roettges is Board Certified in Orthopedic Surgery. Dr. Roettges treats all disorders of the hip and knee, including degenerative, traumatic, infectious, and congenital. He specializes in the evaluation of painful or malfunctioning joint replacements to see if revision hip (link revision hip) or knee (link revision knee) surgery could improve the function and quality of life for the patient. Dr. Roettges specializes in Direct Anterior Total Hip Arthroplasty (Link total hip). This is performed with a small, 10cm incision in the front of the hip. Access to the hip is between muscles instead of splitting muscles or detaching tendons, as is typically done in more traditional hip replacement from a lateral incision. The anterior approach allows for a quicker recovery with no restrictions after surgery. Many patients are able to go home the same day as surgery! Dr. Roettges also performs hundreds of knee replacement (link but may need to update the total knee section) surgeries each year. He is on the leading edge of innovation and was the first surgeon at Flagler Hospital to utilize the MAKO robotic assistance knee replacement. Whether traditional methods or robotic assistance is used often depends of the severity of the arthritis, prior trauma, and patient preference. Nerve blocks and injections at the time of surgery allow many total knee replacement patients to go home the same day as surgery, with nearly all requiring no more than a one night stay in the hospital. Dr. Roettges strives to take time with each patient to thoroughly review their condition, imaging studies and treatment plan. This allows the patient to make the most educated decisions about their medical care that fits their best interests and needs. He is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, American Orthopaedic Association and American Association of Knee and Hip Surgeons.

  • Residency
  • University of Arizona College of Med. Tucson, AZ
  • Fellowship
  • Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, FL
  • Medical Education
  • Loyola University Medical Center Maywood, IL